Mircom TX3-WRT-2H TX3 Series Key fob Transmitter(2 Button)

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  • $685.00
  • Regular price $800.00

Mircom's wireless communications are based upon a secure, digital, anti-playback routine, and rolling code, which reduces the risk of code sniffing and unauthorized duplication. Transmitter times-out* automatically when button is held down continuously to prevent battery drain and potential interference with other transmitters. Two channels remote enable two overhead doors or gates to be controlled from one receiver

Features and Benefits

  • Mircom's wireless communications are based upon a secure, digital, anti-playback routine, and rolling code, which reduces the risk of code sniffing and unauthorized duplication
  • 2-Button with HID or AWID Format Proximity Coil 

  • Encrypted code ensures high level of security

  • 3V CR2032 battery (included)

  • 433 MHz RF, 125 KHz Prox

  • Mircom Part# TX3-WRT-2H


Operates with Mircom TX3-WRR-22 & TX3-WRR-42 receivers.

Compatible with AWID and HID Proximity 125 kHz proximity readers:

Spec Sheet

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